Pegasus Group has secured Reserved Matters consent to build 125 new homes on land at Wayside Farm, Castle Cary, Somerset.
South Somerset Area East Committee approved the proposals, which will see a mix of one, two, three and four-bedroom properties of which 44 will be affordable as both rented and shared ownership. Of the affordable homes, 14 will be flats.
Pegasus Group provided planning, urban design and landscape services on behalf of Engie Regeneration who on completion will transfer the site to housing association partner Stonewater.
Kate Holden, Associate Planner at Pegasus Group’s Bristol office, said: “We were delighted to secure consent and will now be working to discharge the relevant planning conditions to enable our client to start on site as soon as possible.
“The development will deliver much needed new affordable homes to the town, which will be supported by a generous open space provision. A section 106 package will include contributions towards local youth facilities and playing pitches, the community hall, theatre and arts, education and travel plan measures.”
Also for Pegasus Group, Jessica Frapwell, Principal Urban Designer and Sean Hindes, Design Director, in the Bristol office, led the urban design work, with the landscape design provided by Amy Smith, Principal Landscape Architect and Alice Skinner, Landscape Architect in the Cirencester office.
For more information about Pegasus Group and its services, please contact us.