A reserved matters planning application for a residential development of 499 new homes at Great Wilsey Park, Haverhill, has been approved by West Suffolk Council.
The Redrow development across three parcels of land is part of the wider Haverhill scheme that has outline permission for 2,500 homes, two primary school and two local centres. The Reserved Matters was approved via delegated powers last week.
Development consultants Pegasus Group supported Redrow on the scheme.
Members of Pegasus Group’s Cambridge and Cirencester based design teams worked together, led by Design Director Steve Lloyd, to produce the proposed layouts and a range of supporting material, including a comprehensive house type pack and a Design & Access Statement.
Tim Corcoran, a Principal Urban Designer at Pegasus Group’s Cirencester office, said: “We are delighted to have helped Redrow secure reserved matters approval on a challenging site. Our design team have been assisting since the early testing stages of the project and have worked hard alongside Redrow, council officers and a fantastic wider team of consultants throughout the design process to overcome key challenges.
“These included various highway constraints, a sensitive landscape and biodiversity context, and working within a complex framework of urban design development parameters in order to ensure delivery of a high-quality development with a strong sense of place that respects the local character and residential amenity.
“This was a great project to have been a part of and it has been a brilliant team effort from all involved to achieve the permission.”
In recommending the scheme for approval, planning officers said that the design for the three parcels of land had evolved following design workshops.
The officer’s report said: “On balance, whilst the development employs Redrow housetypes that could be seen in other locations, it is considered that the proposed development uses these in such a way that would create a locally distinctive sense of place both as part of the wider allocation and as three distinctive parcels within it. The architecture is of a high quality, drawing on existing features within the local area and creating street scenes which relate positively to the surrounding green corridors.
“The proposals are also considered to meet the aspirations of the masterplan in terms of the quality of the design and layout of the development parcels and the level of public and private amenity they will provide for future occupants.”
Chris Gatland, Head of Planning at Redrow Eastern, “Great Wilsey Park is an exceptional mixed use community combining the best elements of Redrow’s Heritage Collection design with extensive community facilities and open space, with an emphasis on landscape and natural biodiversity. We are delighted to receive the approval of our first housing reserved matters, and for work to commence onsite. We look forward to continuing to work with the local authority and community as this scheme progresses.”
The scheme is set to deliver a wide-range of 1, 2, 3 and 4-bed homes in a variety of house styles across three parcels of land, including a percentage of affordable properties.
For more information about this project or any of Pegasus Group’s services, please contact us.