
Endurance Estates

240 dwellings

Local Authority
Mid-Suffolk District Council

Key Project Information
- Includes 35% affordable housing.
- The site was not allocated for development but was brought forward in order to assist with Mid-Suffolk’s housing land supply shortfall.
- A package of contributions towards local infrastructure was secured through CIL payments.
The approved scheme comprises up to 240 dwellings, open space, play area and a new country park.
We provided urban design, landscape design and planning expertise in order to secure the successful permission.
The approved proposals allow for predominantly 2 storey development, with opportunities for occasional 2.5 storey dwellings to add distinctiveness to the streetscene.
Alongside a new country park it’s envisaged new pedestrian/cycle connections through the site and to the wider pedestrian network, including links to the existing public right of way running along the eastern and southern boundaries of the site, shall enhance the overall pedestrian permeability of Elmswell.