
Hallam Land, Miller Homes, Countryside Properties

825 dwellings (over 3 sites)

Local Authority
Fylde Borough Council

Residential, Public Sector
Key Project Information
- Over the years, our teams have played a role in the delivery of the 3 allocations within the settlement of Warton, Fylde which will deliver 825 dwellings. All these sites were not allocated and were located within Green Belt and all sites are now coming forward for development.
- Our work on the sites involved extensive engagement with the Parish Council, local ward members, the Council and interested parties. Many consultation events and meetings were held with local people to inform them of the forthcoming development and seek their views.
- Our work in Warton has covered both strategic planning and development control. We have started with the sites being located within the Green Belt and worked towards development coming forward and being delivered on site.
The briefs of the various clients were all different, however with regards to the outline applications, which were determined at appeal, the goal was to achieve planning permission, albeit the sites were in the Green Belt. We provided a combination of strategic input (through the engagement with the Local Plan, preparation of representations and attendance at examination) and development control support (the preparation, submission and negotiation of various applications).
We have been successful with all the applications we have submitted and assisted land being released from the Green Belt and brought forward for development through a combination of appeals and engagement with the Local Plan.
We have worked with both strategic land companies and house builders to provide the different services and advice they require.

Our involvement with land around Warton has involved both the promotion of land through the Local Plan and development control to gain planning permission.
On behalf of Hallam Land Management, we gained outline planning permission for the development of 360 dwellings at Blackfield End Farm. This application was refused by the Council and HLM appealed this decision. The appeal was heard at a public inquiry which was approved in September 2015. Following the approval of the application, our teams worked with both Miller Homes and Stewart Milne to gain Reserved Matters approval for the development. Following the approval of the Reserved Mattes applications, we worked both house builders to discharge the relevant conditions and allow development to come forward on the site. The site is being built out by both developers.
Following this approval, we submitted another outline application for Hallam Land Management on another site in Warton known as Clifton House Farm. Similar, to Blackfield End Farm, the outline application for 115 dwellings was refused by the Council. We appealed the decision which was heard at a conjoined public inquiry with another site in Warton known as land to the east of Warton, which sought approval for 350 dwellings. Both appeals were approved in February 2017.
On Clifton House Farm, our teams submitted a variation of condition application to amend the trigger for the implementation of highways works. This was an onerous condition which cause difficulties for the sale of the site and any forthcoming housebuilder. We negotiated with the Council to improve the trigger point.
Due to our experience in Fylde and Warton, in 2019, we were approached by Countryside Properties to prepare and submit a Reserved Matters application for land to the east of Warton. We worked with Countryside properties to bring forward this development, which gained Reserved Matters approval in January 2021. Since this time, we have been working with Countryside Properties to prepare, submit and manage the relevant discharge of condition applications.
We are still working with Hallam Land Management to promote additional land around Clifton House Farm for any future housing needs for the Borough. As well as submitting the outline applications for BEF and CHF, we represented Hallam Land Management through the Local Plan process. This involved the preparation of representations to the various consultations, preparation of hearing statement, attendance at examination and representations to the main modifications.
Images courtesy of Miller Homes, e*SCAPE urbanists, & Countryside.