Tolworth Girls’ School, Surbiton.


Taylor Wimpey


106 dwellings

Local Authority

Kingston Borough Council



Key Project Information

Our expert teams worked closely with Taylor Wimpey to create:

    • A high-density contemporary scheme with an average net density of 60 dwellings per hectare (dph)
    • A development for the 21st Century whilst reflecting the desirable elements of the local vernacular.
    • The layout is founded on the best practice in urban design, community integration and sustainable development, with strong links to the wider area.

A new residential development of 106 high-quality homes on land adjacent to Tolworth Girls’ School & Sixth Form in Surbiton, as part of a wider redevelopment of the school to upgrade educational and sporting facilities.

We provided design and architecture services to support the scheme


The development was on an undeveloped, 1.84ha field in the grounds of Tolworth Girls’ School.

Working closely with Taylor Wimpey, we created a high density, contemporary scheme.

The development achieves an average net density of 60 dwellings per hectare (dph). This density results in the efficient use of the site whilst at the same time promoting densities which are appropriate to the local area and which will help assimilate the development into the surrounding areas. A range of house types and sizes are provided which will assist in creating a balanced community, as a variety of households can be accommodated thereby minimising the potential for social exclusion.

The entrance to the site is clearly defined by three, 4 storey apartment blocks. These buildings form the primary frontage, overlooking the public open space, providing natural surveillance and creating enclosure. Within the site a variety of semi-detached and terraced rows protect the suburban character of the area. A simple materials palette has been chosen to create a high quality, contemporary scheme, with a distinctive quality. Key spaces within the development are linked together with attractive shared surface streets. These areas allow people a place to stop and enjoy giving a focus on pedestrians rather than cars.
