Troia UK Restaurants
Restaurants UK Wide
Local Authority
Retail & Town Centres, Restaurants
Key Project Information
- The Ivy Group expanded from their original infamous restaurant in Covent Garden, London to bring its inimitable service and surroundings UK wide, expanding into brasseries and Asian-fusion restaurants in order to provide a memorable experience synonymous with the Ivy’s unique style.
- We have provided planning, design and heritage expertise to the Troia UK Restaurant Group to enable its successful expansion across the country in locations such as London, Norwich, Cheltenham, Bath, Bristol, Birmingham and Cardiff.
Troia UK Restaurants were seeking to expand their Ivy Group restaurants across the UK and required applications for Planning Permission, Listed Building Consent or Advertisement Consent.
We provided planning, design and heritage expertise in order to allow the expansion into unique buildings, such as the Grade I Listed Cheltenham Rotunda or other Listed or non-Listed Buildings within Conservation Areas, providing the distinctive restaurant feel the Ivy Group were seeking.
We have been working with Troia Restaurants to deliver The Ivy Group nationally across a wide range of cities and into distinctive buildings to accommodate their unique style.
We have advised Troia Restaurants and secured numerous Listed Building Consents and other types of planning applications, including change of use and advertisements. The advice ranged from design input on restaurant decoration and layout to mitigation measures for the necessary plant equipment required to operate the restaurants.
We have also advised on a number of outdoor seating areas or alterations to accommodate changing standards in dining following the Covid-19 pandemic, such as openable shopfronts. Some projects involved the rehabilitation of buildings which were previously in poor condition or needed investment to highlight their significance within the localities, and have since become landmark destinations.