Teal Park, Netherfield, Nottingham.


AC Lloyd Commercial & Henry Davidson Developments


200,000 sq ft

Local Authority

Gedling Borough Council


Retail and Town Centres

Key Project Information

  • Our brief was to secure a timely planning permission to deliver a new £30 million multi-purpose development in Nottingham which will generate more than 350 new jobs for the local economy.
  • By working closely with officers and members at Gedling Borough Council, our expert team was able to secure a speedy planning decision without onerous conditions.

In May 2021, we secured planning permission for the local centre on land off Teal Close on behalf of AC Lloyd Commercial and Henry Davidson Developments.

The local centre includes four retail units, public house, and a children’s day nursery. A separate permission was also granted for a new retail store with associated car parking, landscaping and other infrastructure, which is to be occupied by Aldi.

In June 2021, planning permission was granted for a 53,000 sq ft trade park for 14 units and 141,000 sq ft of employment units.

The site forms part of the wider Teal Close development which has outline planning permission for new homes, a primary school, hotel, care home and public open space

Teal Park CGI
Teal Park

In July 2021, the third phase of a £30 million mixed-use site in Nottingham was granted planning approval which could lead to the creation of a further 170 jobs.

We submitted the planning application on behalf of Warwick-based property company AC Lloyd Commercial and Nottingham-based Henry Davidson Developments (HDD) to build six large employment units.

The first phase at Teal Park involving a 33,300 sq ft trade park and a 28,860 sq ft industrial unit is nearing completion with contracts having been signed with Storage Giant, Tool Station, Screwfix and Howdens.

A state-of-the-art care home for people with residential and residential dementia care needs has already been opened by LTN Care Developments and has created 50 jobs.

Planning approval has also been given for the second phase involving a new Local Centre for four retail shops, a children’s day nursery and a pub along which will sit alongside the Aldi supermarket that received planning consent in May this year. It is anticipated that approximately 125 full-time equivalent new jobs will be created from these proposed uses.

Our economics experts prepared a retail assessment in support of a full planning application. This included an assessment of the likely impact of the proposals on nearby district and local centres as supported by detailed health checks of those centres and analysis of local shopping patterns concluding that the majority of trade diversion would be from existing out-of-centre stores.

The assessment also demonstrated accordance with the sequential test, highlighting that there were not suitable and available sites within, or on the edge, of the nearby centres.  The assessment work was endorsed by the local planning authority’s specialist retail advisor helping to secure planning permission for the development.

We are extremely pleased to see the final piece in the jigsaw now that planning has been granted for the remaining elements, and negotiations are already underway with potential tenants for these units.

The past 18 months have been particularly challenging and, despite the pandemic, we have managed to maintain momentum and keep the delivery of Teal Park on track.

Richard Croft, Director at HDD

Project Gallery
