South East Coalville.


Davidsons, Harworth Estates & SECP


3,500 dwellings

Local Authority

North West Leicestershire District Council



Key Project Information

  • South East Coalville as a sustainable urban extension development of 3,500 dwellings, creating two new communities.
  • The proactive community engagement from the start of the project was praised as ‘exemplary’ by the councillor.
  • The delivery of significant areas of green infrastructure in the scheme will deliver significant social benefits.

The regeneration of Coalville town centre is a long standing objective of the Council, and a key component of this is delivering housing growth in a way which seeks to capture the increased spending power of the growing population for the benefit of the town as a whole. The South East Coalville extension ensures that building houses in close proximity to the town centre maximises that increased spending power, and the design of the extension ensuring that the character of the town is protected is a major social benefit. Coalville is an area of multiple deprivation and is a designated Priority Neighbourhood. It also has high levels of obesity, both adult and child.

Our expert teams led on strategy, masterplanning, and community engagement with a consortium of landowners and developers in conjunction with the Local Council and Highway Authority. Planning permission was secured for 2,700 dwellings in 2016 with a phased construction process due to be commenced in early 2018. Work has continued on behalf of the consortium to discharge site-wide pre-commencement conditions, including design codes. Detailed planning permission has been secured for 275 dwellings for Davidsons that will be implemented in early 2018.

A mixture of dwellings across a range of sizes and tenures is being delivered, together with two new primary schools, two new local centres and new infrastructure linkages. The scheme also brings back a disused colliery spoil tip back into use.

The proactive community engagement from the start of the project which was praised as ‘exemplary’ by the councillor contributes to the future social well-being of the community as the community engagement was instrumental in shaping the proposals. Our expert teams demonstrated effective leadership by holding the consortium members together, always working constructively, and keeping elected representatives informed and engaged throughout the process.

Public Consultation SE Coalville

The delivery of significant areas of green infrastructure in the scheme (Sense Valley Park, disused railway corridor and National Forest Planting – 41% of the site area, 74 hectares, is to be laid out as informal open space), new schools and local centres, and significantly improved linkages between the town and Bardon Hill employment area, will deliver significant social benefits.

South East Coalville

Many positive community, economic and environmental benefits of the scheme have been identified including:

  • Securing views to local landmark features including the local Baptist Church
  • Improved recreational facilities
  • 20% of the site for National Forest planting
  • New bus services and on site road links including off-site junction improvements
  • Creating a community identity for each village
  • Provision of 2 local centres and primary schools and contribution to expand local secondary schools
  • Expanding local doctors surgery
  • Locally sourced employment for construction
  • Creation of new employment opportunities within local centres post construction
  • Skill creation for construction via links between a local college and developers
  • Scheme is linked to a major employment area at Bardon Hill, the infrastructure for which was heavily led by community engagement
  • Retention and enhancement of the River Scence, associated flood land and vegetation
  • Retention, protection and enhancement of local wildlife habitats
  • Improvement of dismantled railway as a primary green corridor
  • New areas of tree planting reflecting National Forest setting
  • Travel Plan to encourage sustainable transport
  • New walking and cycling routes encouraging healthier lifestyles