Seaham Garden Village


Taylor Wimpey, Miller Homes and Karbon Homes




Durham County Council

Key Project Information

  • We are instructed by all three housebuilders associated with building out this new landscape-led garden village on the Durham coast.
  • Almost 50% of the site will be dedicated to landscape and amenity space.
  • The site will deliver 1,500 new homes, a village centre, commercial and community facilities, a primary school and extra care living accommodation.

We are advising Taylor Wimpey, Miller Homes and Karbon Homes on all planning matters in relation to the delivery of a new garden village in Seaham, County Durham.

Benefiting from funding through the government’s Garden Communities Programme, Seaham Garden Village will deliver 1,500 new homes, of which 750 will be affordable and 300 specifically for over 55s.

Seaham Garden Village will truly be a village for all ages: on top of the 1,500 new homes, the village centre will provide a primary school and extra care living accommodation, alongside a mix of commercial and community facilities.

Almost half of the site is dedicated to open space, landscaping, walking and cycling routes, community gardens and play areas.

Our Newcastle team has secured amendments to the original outline consent via a S73 application, including an EIA Addendum, to amend the proposals and enable the housebuilders to take on the eight residential development cells and the village centre.

We have also secured reserved matters approval for the first three residential cells and are actively progressing the next reserved matters applications for the primary school and further residential cells, alongside various discharge of condition applications and S106 amendments.
