Crest Nicholson
186 Dwellings
Local Authority
Rugby Borough Council
Key Project Information
- Residential parcel forming a wider urban extension to Rugby.
- Development contributes to the delivery of the strategic masterplan that comprises a total of 6,200 homes, a new secondary school, 3 new primary schools, 31 hectares of employment space, a district centre, 3 local centres and 24 hectares of open space and sports pitches.
- Parcel D forms an integral part of the scheme located on Main Spine Road and framing part of the missed-use local centre to the East.
The urban grain of the proposed development is formal in nature with dwellings forming a continuous frontage to the surrounding Spine Road. Meanwhile, internal streets have a more intimate feel with buildings set back at various distances. To the northern and western edges dwellings are distributed more loosely providing an attractive outlook to the green ecology corridors which wrap around Parcel D. The focal space of the scheme is the landscaped avenue which provides a green visual link connecting the ecology corridor to the west with the mixed use Local Centre to the east.
The proposed development adopts a soft contemporary feel, building upon Rugby’s local vernacular. Red brick is a common theme throughout, with contrasting materials such as a blue engineering brick, render and dark weatherboarding.