Starbucks Coffee Company (UK) Limited
Local Authority
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council
Retail, Town Centres
Key Project Information
- Our transport team was appointed to prepare both a Delivery Management Plan and a Travel Plan to discharge planning conditions that required approval from the local highway authority at Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council prior to the proposed opening date.
The Travel Plan focused on seeking to minimise single occupancy car travel by staff and encouraged the use of more sustainable alternatives, such as cycling and local bus routes.
The Delivery Management Plan set out delivery timings and mitigation measures for deliveries and servicing at the site, including cage marshalling and staff acting as banksmen when required.
Liaison was required with the local Travel Plan Officer and the local highways department to approve these documents within a short time frame. Persistence and constructive communication resulted in both planning conditions being discharged in time for the opening date.
Image courtesy of Inc Design Associates.