
Tatton Estate & Bellway Homes

236 dwellings

Local Authority
Chester East Council

Agriculture & Rural Estates, Residential
Key Project Information
- Our expert team advised on heritage and landscape sensitivities given the site is located directly adjacent to Grade II* Tatton Park Registered Park and Garden. Parts of site also located within the designated Green Belt and ecological sensitivities due to presence of Great Crested Newts.
- The public consultation for the scheme was commended by the local community groups at planning committee.
- We secured unanimous approval at planning committee for revised scheme following a previous refusal.
- Multi-disciplinary expert teams across multiple regions – planning, design, landscape, heritage and economics.
Our teams advised on various aspects of the Reserved Matters scheme, namely planning, urban design, landscape, heritage and economics. Bellway Homes were identified as the Development Partner, to deliver the scheme in tandem with Tatton Estate (landowner). A key objective of the Tatton Estate, who are long-term stewards in Cheshire East, was to proactively engage with the local community to ensure the development delivers local benefits and meets local needs.
We actively engaged with local residents and the scheme was specifically designed to deliver a housing mix which meets identified local needs, as outlined in the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan. Other aspects requested by the local community included housing for the elderly and a cycle loop around the site- which were all secured as part of the consent.
We successfully advised on this sensitive site which is part Green Belt and adjacent to the Grade II* Tatton Park Registered Park and Garden. Our team ultimately secured unanimous approval at planning committee and were commended by local community groups for their proactive engagement throughout the development process. We remain appointed by Bellway for discharge of conditions process.
- 236 much needed homes, including 30% affordable housing.
- Housing Mix specifically tailored to local needs and as outlined in Neighbourhood Plan.
- Provision of some bungalows and M(4)2 compliant homes to meet the needs of the elderly and those with reduced mobility.
- Solar panel provision and cycle loop to enhance sustainability credentials.
- Community orchard and high-quality landscape scheme to protect Grade II* Tatton Park.
- Bespoke housetype design to reflect local area and the Tatton Estate.
Economic Benefits:
- Significant benefits to the local economy including increased GVA, job creation and increased Council Tax Revenue, namely the proposed development:
- Could generate up to £44.3 million of GVA for the regional economy during the construction period;
- Could support up to 180 temporary jobs per annum, both on-site and in the wider economy, during the build phase;
- Will create a growing labour force, with around 269 economically active and employed residents are estimated to live in the new houses once the site is fully built and occupied;
- Will increase household spend, as once built and fully occupied, the households are estimated to generate expenditure in the region of £6.4 million per annum. Whilst not all of this spend will be in the local area, it is reasonable to assume that a substantial proportion will be retained within Cheshire East;
- Will generate an estimated £1.2 million in first occupation expenditure over an 18-month period;
- Will increase Council Tax income, the construction of new homes could generate £423,000 per annum in additional Council Tax revenue for Cheshire East Council once fully developed and occupied; and
- Has the potential to generate in the region of £1.7million in New Homes Bonus revenue for Cheshire East Council.