
CALA Homes

175 Dwellings

Local Authority
Milton Keynes Council

Key Project Information
- The wider Western Expansion Area will provide approximately 6,500 new homes as well as employment land and parkland.
- Pegasus Group worked to achieve successful planning permission for Parcel G, which consists of 111 units some of which are affordable homes, and Parcel H, 64 dwellings including affordable housing.
Our expert teams produced the design compliance statement, detailed layout, house types, including bespoke properties, and landscape design for two parcels of land, Parcel H and Parcel G within the Whitehouse section of the expansion area.
Planning permission was granted for Parcel G in April 2017 and Parcel H at the start of April 2018. We began work on initial design work in July 2016 to support CALA Home’s purchase of the land from Bovis Homes.

We worked on bespoke designs to fulfill the Design Code, especially along the City Street frontage which included bespoke four storey apartments and houses and around the designated Character Area, the Wetlands Special Place. The city street frontage was redesigned to create a predominantly continuous building line. House types were created that had side parking, but which were accessed from the rear, to remove the dominance of parking within the street.
Our expert teams delivered the scheme, producing the design compliance statement, detailed layout, house types, including bespoke properties, and landscape design.
The house types and layout for Parcel H presented challenges to work within the Design Code and we created bespoke buildings to meet the criteria, which was very rewarding. We explored layout options to create an efficient layout that was easy to navigate, safe and secure.