Little Crow Solar Farm.




50MW Plus

Local Authority

North Lincolnshire Council


Energy & Waste, Solar

Key Project Information

  • Successful Development Consent Order (DCO) application.
  • Nationally significant Solar Scheme.
  • Only the second scheme of its kind.
  • If successful this solar farm will create enough energy to power 45,000- 60,000 homes per annum.
  • On 5th April 2022 Little Crow Solar Park was granted development consent by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.
Little Crow Stanton Layout

We have been working with INRG Ltd on a Development Consent Order (DCO) application for this nationally significant solar scheme. Little Crow is only the second project of its kind to reach this examination stage.

The findings and conclusion arising from the Examination, together with the Examiner’s recommendation, was sent to the Secretary of State in January 2022, after which the Secretary of State has a further 3 months to determine the application for the Development Consent Order.

On 5th April 2022 Little Crow Solar Park was granted development consent by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.

The NSIP process is complex, and sits outside the usual planning and development process. We have provided multiple areas of expertise for this application including design, economics, environment, heritage and planning.

The solar farm capacity will be in excess of 50MW and the associated development will be enough to power 45,000-60,000 homes per year in the Lincolnshire area.
