L&G House, Kingswood.


Inspired Villages


280 units

Local Authority

Reigate & Banstead Borough Council


Residential, Retirement Living

Key Project Information

  • The development will be Inspired Villages’ (funded by L&G) flagship retirement village in the country, and likely to be the largest in Europe.
  • The site comprises the former Office headquarters of Legal & General, lying within the Surrey Green Belt.
  • The former office building, and a number of the surrounding structures are Grade II* Listed, and the campus setting of the office building significantly contributed to the design quality of the overall site.

Our teams were instructed to provide an ‘expert overseeing role’ of the planning side of the project, given expert knowledge of key staff members in the specialist housing sector.

This included advising on strategy; Green Belt issues; matters relating to use class and affordable housing; implications of viability and the application of planning policy; discussions with officers, including officers from Adult Social Services, the Primary Care Trust and local Clinical Commissioning Group.

Landscape Masterplan L&G House

Our economics experts were responsible for writing the socio-economic chapter as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment for one of the largest retirement communities in the UK. The scheme will see 280 assisted living units developed in Reigate and Banstead, which includes concerting the former headquarters of Legal & General as part of the development. The socio-economic chapter quantified the benefits of the scheme, including job creation, as well as looking at the demographic profile of the local area.

Images courtesy of Haworth Tompkins, Portus & Whitton, and Inspired Villages.
