Land West of Main Street, Stathern.


Davidsons Developments Limited


74 dwellings

Local Authority

Melton Borough Council



Key Project Information

  • The proposal involved the development of land at Stathern allocated in the adopted Melton Local Plan.
  • Working closely with Davidsons Developments we engaged extensively with the Parish Council in developing and amending the proposals.
  • When the application was presented to the Plans Committee, both the Parish Council and Ward members set out their support for the proposals.
  • Members commended the team for the work undertaken to work with the Parish Council and the changes made to the proposals to address local concerns raised.

Whilst the site was allocated in the Local Plan, there were concerns locally about the scale of the proposal and the design approach.

We supported Davidsons in ongoing discussions with the Parish Council and local Ward Members leading up to the submission of the application and through the consideration of the application by the Borough Council.

This engagement secured a number of amendments to the original scheme that secured the support of both the Parish and Ward members.  Members of the Committee commented that it was a beacon example of what could be achieved through dialogue between the Parish Council, Ward Councillors and the applicant.
