P & S Short Holdings Ltd.
5 dwellings
Local Authority
Malvern Hills District Council
Key Project Information
- Erection of five dwellings, associated landscaping, access and parking within Tenbury Wells Conservation Area, utilising a redundant area of predominantly hardstanding formerly used as a private service yard and parking area for units along Cross Street.
- This scheme demonstrates the benefits of using an experienced multi-disciplinary consultancy in order to provide the necessary collaborative skills to overcome planning issues and deliver the objective of obtaining planning approval.
The site has been the subject of a refused planning application and subsequent appeal for 4 dwellings in 2016 and 2017 and then a further refused planning application and further subsequent appeal for 5 dwellings in 2019, involving the client and a former architect / planning consultant who were working on their behalf. The unresolved issues of these applications and appeals related to providing adequate provision of amenity space for the future occupants of the development, and the impact of development on the character and appearance of the Tenbury Wells Conservation Area.
Despite the negative planning history our expert team came in and quickly highlighted the issues with the previous schemes and the actions needed in order to overcome them and achieve planning permission.
We provided planning, design and heritage services in a collaborative approach, providing detailed architectural drawings and visualisations, Heritage Statement, Planning, Design & Access Statement and Energy & Water Management Statement required for a new planning application scheme, alongside detailed liaisons and negotiations with the Council. The necessary amended layout and detailed design of the new proposal, alongside the detailed justification provided in the reports, managed to overcome the historical objections leading to the issuing of a draft planning permission in September 2020, with final issue subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement for one affordable dwelling (due to the site’s location in a designated rural area). The completion of the Section 106 Agreement is currently with the Council’s and client’s solicitors.