Land off Melksham Road, Holt


Gladman Developments Ltd


Up to 90 dwellings including 40% affordable housing




Wiltshire Council

Key Project Information

Permission was granted at appeal for the erection of up to 90 dwellings including 40% affordable housing with public open space, structural planting and landscaping and sustainable drainage system.

Our economics area of expertise was instructed to represent the appellant on housing land supply matters.

The story

Following the failure of the Council to determine the planning application in the statutory period, Pegasus Group were instructed to assist the appellant on housing land supply matters.

Pegasus Group agreed with the Council that a five-year land supply was unable to be demonstrated and that for the purposes of this appeal it was not necessary to narrow the difference between the respective positions of the parties.

Nevertheless, evidence was presented to demonstrate that the shortfall was significant on the basis of either party’s position and that the shortfall would not be remedied while the adopted Development Plan remained in place. On this basis, the Inspector afforded significant weight to the Council’s Action Plan which suggests that planning applications should be considered favourably where there are no major policy obstacles other than a site being outside settlement boundaries or unallocated, and in this context allowed the appeal.
