Land off Coate Road, Devizes


Robert Hitchins Ltd


Up to 200 dwellings and a local centre




Wiltshire Council

Key Project Information

Permission was granted at appeal for up to 200 dwellings, a local centre and associated works.

Our design area of expertise prepared a Design and Access Statement, and our planning area of expertise prepared a Planning Statement in support of the planning application.

Our planning area of expertise and our economics area of expertise were then instructed to represent the applicant at the appeal on planning related matters and housing land supply matters.

The story

Pegasus Group contributed to the evidence submitted in support of the planning application, including the preparation of the Design and Access Statement and Planning Statement.

In light of all of the evidence, including that of Pegasus Group, the case officer recommended that planning permission was granted, but committee members disagreed identifying 3 reasons for refusal on planning and landscape grounds and the absence of an agreed s106.

Pegasus Group were then instructed to represent the appellant at appeal on planning and housing land supply matters.

Pegasus Group agreed with the Council that a five-year land supply was unable to be demonstrated and that for the purposes of this appeal it was not necessary to narrow the difference between the respective positions of the parties.

Nevertheless, evidence was presented to demonstrate that the shortfall was significant on the basis of either party’s position and that the shortfall would not be remedied while the adopted Development Plan remained in place. On this basis, the Inspector afforded limited weight to Core Policies 1, 2 and 12.

Overall, the Inspector found that the limited harm to the landscape character would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits including the substantial weight afforded to the provision of housing to address the housing land supply shortfall and therefore allowed the appeal.
