Land North of Fairfields, Longframlington.


Tantallon Homes


58 dwellings

Local Authority

Northumberland County Council


Residential, Appeals

Key Project Information

  • We were planning agents for the appeal and prepared and submitted the appeal and managed the process throughout including on matters relating to planning obligations and conditions on behalf of Tantallon Homes.
  • We are delighted that the appeal against the decision by Northumberland County Council has been successful – a great achievement given the reasons for refusal were design related and are therefore more difficult to challenge as they are subjective in nature.

The initial application was refused on the basis of the impact of the development on the character of the area; and so the case required an analysis of the character and form of the village to put forward the case that the proposed development could successfully integrate with the current village and not be detrimental to its character or appearance.

We provided planning and expert witness expertise to secure the successful permission.

The new development is set to be a mix of two storey detached and semi-detached homes, terraces and apartments and some bungalows. A new access would be created from Front Street.

In his findings, the planning inspector gave weight to S106 financial obligations to be delivered to the community as part of the development. These include 10 affordable homes, a £96,000 education contribution towards secondary school places at King Edward VI High School, Morpeth and a £38,400 contribution towards improving primary healthcare.

Conditions were imposed on the development that would see the widening to 2m and re-surfacing of the existing footway along the site frontage, together with provision for maintenance of the proposed streets and cycle parking.
