Land north of Crown Road, Marnhull


Cicero Estates


72 dwellings and new community facilities




Dorset Council

Key Project Information

Permission was granted at appeal for the erection of 72 no. dwellings and new community facilities.

Our economics area of expertise was instructed to assess the five-year housing land supply position and our environment area of expertise was instructed to assess the landscape and visual impacts of the proposals on behalf of the appellant.

The story

The Council considered that a five-year land supply was able to be demonstrated and, in this context, identified three reasons for refusal including on landscape and visual matters.

At the appeal, the Council considered that a 5.17 year land supply was able to be demonstrated whilst Pegasus Group identified a 4.17 year land supply. In light of the evidence presented, the Inspector concluded that a 4.58 year land supply was able to be demonstrated such that the tilted balance was engaged.

In this context, the Inspector found that the harm to landscape interests allied with the less than substantial harm to heritage assets feel short of significantly and demonstrably outweighing the very substantial weight afforded to the provision of housing given the shortfall.
