Land at Greenways, Consett.


Gleeson Regeneration Ltd


105 dwellings

Local Authority

Durham County Council


Residential, Appeals

Key Project Information

  • This outline planning application has been granted on appeal.
  • In their findings, the inspector agreed that the proposal would not have an unacceptable adverse effect on the natural or built environment and would relate well to the existing pattern of development.
  • The proposed development is set to include 10% of affordable housing.

  “Such a modest connection would not read as coalescence”, the inspector commented, noting the “continuing presence of open landscape beyond the appeal site”.

Planning Inspector

We secured consent on behalf of Gleeson Regeneration Ltd providing planning policy and landscape expert witness in the appeal against Durham County Council.

Outline planning permission was subsequently granted for the plans to the north east of Castledene Road on Delves Lane in Consett. The approval allows for new homes, associated infrastructure and open space.

As part of the application, more than £200,000 will also be invested by the developer in healthcare and improving recreational provision in the area. We successfully appealed the Council’s attempt to force the developer to provide an additional £700,000 funding for additional teaching facilities on the basis that reasonable surplus teaching capacity already exists.

The scheme is set to include a mixture of two, three and four bedroom properties, with access provided off Gloucester Road.

The proposed development is set to include 10% of affordable housing.
