
Persimmon Homes

Local Authority
Swindon Borough Council

Health, Education, and Community
Key Project Information
- Development of new school plateau to be delivered to the local education authority as part of a wider masterplan for a proposed urban extension to the northeast of Swindon.
The client’s main objective was to have a clear understanding of the engineering constraints and implications for the development of new school plateau as part of a wider masterplan. A particular focus was on levels and drainage, due to the very steep nature of the existing site and limited available land parcel. They also wanted to know the feasibility of accommodating the various key elements of the school site including buildings, soft and hard play areas and supporting infrastructure in accordance with the DfE BB103 requirements.
We produced an engineered feasibility layout based on key areas being flat plateaus across a steep site that highlighted significant embankments at the boundary needed to make the school site accessible, optimising the layout where possible to remove any significant cost and constructability implications. We have been involved in various iterations of the site layout as well as advising on specific minimum areas of the school to be provided.