
Howstrake Developments Ltd. & Spaldrick Care

72 & 80 units

Local Authority
Douglas Borough Council

Residential, Retirement Living
Key Project Information
- The Isle of Man planning system works differently to the English system. We have demonstrated expert knowledge of the Isle of Man planning system to ensure the success of 2 separate care home schemes including:
- 72 bedroom care home on behalf of Spaldrick Care which following an initial refusal was approved on appeal working closely with our expert teams’ knowledge and expert witness representation.
- 80 bedroom care home on behalf of Howstrake Developments, the original application was approved by the Isle of Man Government but Onchan District Commissioners and the local authority, appealed the decision and it was left to a government minister to rule on the plans. We used our expert knowledge to submit a Written Statement of Case in support of the application, which led the minister to determine that the appeal should be dismissed and the planning permission upheld.
Spaldrick Care
Consent has been given for a new 72-bedroom care home to be built on the Isle of Man following a successful planning appeal on behalf of Spaldrick Care.
Proposals for the care home to be erected at Spaldrick House, Port Erin, were initially refused by the Isle of Man Government last October.
Spaldrick Care appealed against the decision, with Pegasus Group’s Jim Tarzey, CEO – instructed to appear as a planning witness, while our economics experts provided economic led evidence. Despite several objections from residents, the Inspector found in favour of scheme.
The existing three-storey building, in Bradda Road, which has become semi-derelict, will be demolished to make way for the residential care home which will have associated car parking, access, landscaping and highway alterations. The design includes three ‘Villa-style’ buildings linked to one another.
We were able to present a strong case that addressed the key reasons for refusal, such as the impact on character and appearance of the area and the prospect of harm to the neighbouring properties.
We were able to respond to a request from the client and their architect to provide written evidence in a challenging two-week timescale, which is a somewhat compressed timeframe for preparing appeal evidence. It was also necessary to reflect the not-so-subtle differences between the Isle of Man’s unique planning system and that in the rest of the UK.
The case presented to the appeal was greatly enhanced by evidence provided by our economics experts which enabled the Inspector to draw robust conclusions about the need for the development and the economic benefits that it would provide.
We are delighted with the decision and look forward to putting our plans into action to deliver the much needed care home to the area. Thank you to Pegasus Group for all their help and assistance with this matter.
James Simpson, Director – Spaldrick Care
Our economics experts provided key inputs to the statement of case, tackling a range of social and economic issues. The economic impacts associated with the proposal were addressed, including employment and supply chain activity created at the construction phase, as well as additional economic activity generated in terms of Gross Value Added. Further benefits were calculated that would arise at the operational phase in terms of permanent employment provided by the care home.
A demographic analysis of the Isle of Man population was also carried out, demonstrating the extent of the ageing population and the need for additional care provision to support it. Further social benefits were identified in terms of the health benefits associated with effective care provision.
The appeal was granted subject to conditions, including parking, highway safety, lighting, security and environmental amenities.
The proposals include 24 off-street car parking spaces on the northern side of the building, together with ‘drop-off’ and turning areas. A sensory garden is also due to be created.
Howstrake Developments Care Home
An appeal against the 80-bedroom care home was dismissed by the Minister of Environment, Food and Agriculture and approval granted for the development by Howstrake Developments Ltd on land adjoining ‘Far End’, King Edward Road, Onchan.
The Isle of Man planning system works slightly differently to our own. In this case, the original application was approved by the Isle of Man Government but Onchan District Commissioners, the local authority, appealed the decision and it was left to a government minister to rule on the plans.
We submitted a Written Statement of Case in support of the application and after much consideration the minister determined that the appeal should be dismissed and the planning permission upheld.
We presented a strong case and are delighted with the minister’s ‘finely balanced view’ that taken as a whole the proposal is acceptable.
The application is approved on an in-principle basis with detailed matters to be approved at a later date.