Hotel at Willowburn Industrial Estate.


Northumberland Estates


80 bedroom hotel

Local Authority

Northumberland County Council


Culture, Leisure, Sport and Tourism

Key Project Information

  • The client has historically sought to promote development on the wider Willowburn Industrial Estate and approached Pegasus Group to assist in gaining planning permission for a hotel (with associated restaurant/bar on the ground floor) on part of the industrial estate.
  • This involved advising on the planning strategy and preparing a supporting document to provide justification for the granting of planning permission.
  • The hotel will be occupied by Premier Inn.

We provided ongoing planning advice including assisting in relation to  pre-application consultation with local businesses and inputting into the overall strategy for promoting the development.

We provided a Planning, Economic and Town Centre Uses Statement to accompany the planning application. This set out the planning case for the development including considering specific policies related to main town centre uses, justification for loss of employment land and an assessment of the economic benefits of the development (both during construction and once opened), plus the role the hotel could play in supporting nearby businesses and the tourism industry.

This document formed an integral part in receiving a positive decision from the Council and granting of planning permission. The hotel is now under construction and is to be operated by Premier Inn.
