
QUADA (Holyport) Ltd.

Single dwelling

Local Authority
Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead

Grand Designs
Key Project Information
- We have been acting on behalf of QUADA (Holyport) Limited for the submission of planning applications in relation to Harford Manor within the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (RBWM).
- Harford Manor has a complex planning history which includes an appeal decision to allow the demolition of an existing residential property and associated outbuildings, to enable development of a single, larger residential property including the redevelopment of the associated equestrian facilities.
- The Manor House is now constructed and is 23,500 sq ft in size.

We have been acting on behalf of QUADA (Holyport) Limited for the submission of planning applications in relation to Harford Manor within the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (RBWM).
Harford Manor has a complex planning history which includes an appeal decision to allow the demolition of an existing residential property and associated outbuildings, to enable development of a single, larger residential property including the redevelopment of the associated equestrian facilities.
Following the successful defence of the Secretary of State referred appeal against eight ‘gypsy pitches’ on land immediately adjacent to the main entrance to the Manor House in 2012, our expert teams defended the case alongside the RBWM.
Planning permission was then granted in June 2014 to change the use of the roadside public house (Class A4), which was located at the top of the driveway to Harford Manor, to a single residential dwelling (Class C3).
In order to justify the loss of a community facility, marketing information was presented to the council which demonstrated that the public house had made increasing losses over the previous three years. The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead concluded that the public house is no longer thriving and the loss has been adequately justified.
Our team later successfully secured planning permission for a further extension to Harford Manor, with construction of pool house and gym and the construction of a gated access to the site (following the demolition of the existing public house). The Manor House is now constructed and is 23,500 sq. ft. in size.