


Local Authority

Culture, Leisure, Sport and Tourism
Key Project Information
- Our expert teams have considerable experience bringing forwards development and diversification projects on behalf of golf clubs and can provide numerous services during the planning and pre-construction phase.
- We have secured successful applications on numerous golfing sites all over the country spanning from successful applications for new developments and extensions for diversification projects to design and economics work to ensure the viability of new schemes.
We have used our expert knowledge to successfully secure schemes on behalf of our golf club clients providing a range of services including:
- Planning applications and appeals
- Economics advice on commercial viability
- Site appraisals
- Design and architecture services
- Landscape planning and design
- Detailed site layout
- Community and stakeholder engagement
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Landscape Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA)
- Interpretation of local, national and regional planning policy
- Development plan representations
- Site supervision
- Expert witness services
Prenton Golf Club, Merseyside
We provided planning advice and delivered planning approval working alongside Condy Lofthouse
and Kimber & Glen, International Golf Course Architects for a new clubhouse in a new site location, which was
expanded upon to make it more attractive for functions and executive style residential accommodation including
parking. The golf course was also redeveloped, with the masterplan designed to enhance the golfing experience
for members and visitors with new academy coaching facilities.
Caversham Heath Golf Club, Oxfordshire
We successfully secured various planning consents for a new putting and practice green, new 18 hole course and extended clubhouse. Working with Sirowe Architects the new clubhouse will include a substantial exterior terrace with views across the course, a pro-shop, function space for meetings and yoga classes, junior golf lounge to accommodate its younger members, restaurant and bar and dedicated members area.

Belview Golf Club, Hertfordshire
We worked on behalf of Belview Golf Club to deliver a golf course and clubhouse redevelopment on Green
Belt land which included change of use from agricultural to leisure and consisted of a golf course including club house and bar, restaurant, shop facilities and associated landscaping. We provided advice following a failed planning application and worked closely with solicitors and barristers in order to get the planning approval for the course through the appeal process. We provided environmental advice which demonstrated that the physical and spatial affects of the Green Belt openness would be preserved and the development would in fact be appropriate securing the planning application.
Reading Golf Club, Berkshire
We provided the planning and project lead on a planning application for the demolition of an existing clubhouse adding a residential development of 260 homes including 30% affordable housing and community infrastructure. This includes a health centre, footpaths and cycle ways, open play spaces and children’s play area, country park allotments, 9 hole short game golf course and foot golf, café and seating, all with a commitment to 10% net biodiversity gain.

Boston West Golf Club, Lincolnshire
We secured a planning application for a part change of use on an existing golf course to support it’s growing membership base. The application included an 18 hole course, with 20 bay driving range, 24 room hotel and clubhouse, adding the siting of 300 caravans, an activity centre, spa, shop, food and drink facilities, and office space. We provided a multidisciplinary service including planning, landscape design heritage advice transport planning and economics services to support the application. We demonstrated the financial support the project would contribute to the growing tourism in the region and additional spend to Boston, and that the new vision would not impact members existing provision of golf facilities. Sport England and England Golf were supportive that the site would become more attractive and viable.
Harpenden Common Golf Club, Hertfordshire
We assisted RDT Design in securing planning consent for a replacement clubhouse in the Green Belt. We prepared a planning statement to accompany the planning application which explained how the clubhouse although larger would not harm the openess of the Green Belt and would actually enhance the conservation area of which it was a part. The additional revenue was also essential to the ongoing viability of the club for which there was local support all of which contributed to the very special circumstances which justified the redevelopment. Planning consent was granted at committee and the club house has now been built.