Flowers Cottage, Farnborough.


Private Client


Extension to Listed Building

Local Authority

Stratford on Avon District Council



Key Project Information

  • Property was a Grade II Listed Building within a Conservation Area, within close proximity of other Grade II and Grade II* Listed Buildings.
Flowers Cottage - Heritage
Flowers Cottage - Heritage

“We are delighted with the result and thank you for you invaluable (and diverse) help in making this a reality.

Gordon Bott – The Client

The client wanted to secure an extension to their Grade II Listed Building, along with the insertion of new roof lights and was meeting resistance from the Local Authority Conservation Officer, and so commissioned us to advise as to what they would achieve consent for and to prepare a heritage statement to support the application. This was subsequently used to support the Appeal which was approved.

Flowers Cottage - Heritage
Flowers Cottage - Heritage

We undertook an initial assessment of the property and gave design advice as to what form of extension and changes to the property would be acceptable. A Heritage Assessment was prepared to support the application and additional response made to the Conservation Officer. The application was refused by the Local Authority as the Conservation Officer did not support the proposals. However, at Appeal, which was supported by the assessment provided by ourselves, the Planning Inspector agreed with our assessment of the proposals and granted planning permission and Listed Building Consent for the works.
