
A Green Investment Bank

Various schemes 100 acre +

Local Authority
Various across England and Wales

Energy and Waste
Key Project Information
- Investment valuation of renewable energy portfolio
- First of its kind for Pegasus Group
- Assessed portfolio viability and made recommendations on best value solution

On behalf on an international development funder, we provided a full due diligence and valuation service for a portfolio of solar PV projects. Our client operates largely in the renewable energy sector and needed an independent assessment of risk, deliverability, and project value, before releasing capital.
We undertook a full review of land agreements, legal title, planning, project costs and potential revenue streams to give our client peace of mind and assurance that schemes were likely to be deliverable and how they could achieve best value, making appropriate recommendations at each stage of the development life cycle.
Our advice extended to recommendations on commercial terms, legal and planning risk mitigation, financial constraints, and potential market values that could be achieved at different points in the process.