Kennedy Wilson
7.5 acre site with 146,300sqft of new commercial floorspace
Commercial, Industrial & Logistics
Rushmoor Borough Council
Key project information
- Permission granted for 13,591 sqm new flexible use industrial building
- A key parcel of land within a strategic employment area
- Will generate £32.1m GVA, and £470,000 in business rates each year
- Will create up to 383 new jobs, for roles at different skills levels
We secured planning permission to demolish three redundant office buildings with associated multi-storey car park and replace it with a new high-spec industrial unit.
The permission grants a flexible large format use, covering industrial uses and processes, along with storage and distribution uses. It represents a significant opportunity to make good use of an underused site helping to deliver on Rushmoor’s development plan objectives.
Challenges overcome
Despite the proposals being the re-development of an existing employment site within a designated employment area within Rushmoor’s local plan, the close proximity of residential properties to the north and south of the site resulted in a number of challenges. We worked closely with noise and air quality consultants to overcome a number of queries raised by planning officers and demonstrated that the amenity of surrounding occupiers would not be harmed as a result of the development.
The site was biodiverse rich in the form of two pocket parks planted between the existing office buildings and a tree lined road which dissects the site. Despite the minimum 10% BNG requirement not being a mandatory requirement, through working with colleagues, we developed a detailed landscaping scheme that was still able to achieve a Biodiversity Net Gain of +10.84%.
Ultimately, we achieved a grant of permission by members at planning committee in June 2023 following an officer recommendation for approval and subsequently planning permission was issued by the council in December 2023 following the completion of a S106 Agreement with county council to secure highways contributions and other highways related requirements.
Long term benefits
Through re-developing the site, both the built form and the landscaping strategy will help establish a positive landscape character with what is a prominent site, and the development will raise local design standards within the Southwood Business Park. The scheme revitalises what is currently large redundant office buildings which are no longer viable in the current employment market.
The scheme will generate significant economic benefits, both in terms of significantly increasing revenue business rates, by around £470,000 each year, as well as generating around £32.1m in GVA.
The provision of employment floorspace for B class uses will meet an identified need within the Borough and will assist in boosting the economy through the provision of direct and in-direct employment. The scheme will also have a valuable social impact, generating around 383 new jobs including entry level roles creating opportunities.
In terms of biodiversity, a comprehensive scheme of enhancements were proposed, thus ensuring there would be a measurable net gain for biodiversity on the site. The existing plant species mix would be greatly improved, thus attracting a wider range of wildlife and new habitats would be created.