Colchester Northern Gateway (South).


Colchester Amphora Trading Limited


300 dwellings, 500,000 sq ft employment space

Local Authority

Colchester Council


Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Logistics

Key Project Information

  • The client required detailed analysis of the planning policy context and the potential economic benefits that could be generated by developing a mixed-use employment and residential scheme on the Southern part of the Colchester Northern Gateway site.
  • We achieved the clients’ objectives by assembling a multi-disciplinary team, comprised of members of our economics and planning teams. This allowed us to robustly estimate the economic impact of the proposals, while at the same time ensuring the proposals aligned with local planning policy.

Proposals for the scheme included up to 300 residential dwellings, along with circa 500,000 sq. ft. of employment floorspace. Along with an assessment of how the proposals aligned with local planning policy, our economics team calculated the significant economic benefits generated by the scheme. This included analysis of:

  • The construction phase benefits, in terms of temporary jobs supported and contribution to economic output.
  • The operational benefits once the scheme is built, including: uplift in household spend, Council Tax revenue and permanent jobs supported by the employment floorspace.

Following the completion of the planning policy and economic benefits work, Pegasus Group was appointed to undertake to additional analytical pieces: firstly, an assessment of the impacts the scheme could have on existing health and education provision in Colchester; and secondly, to assess demand for developing extra care accommodation on the site for older people.

Colchester Amphora Trading, the development arm of Colchester Borough Council,  The client required detailed analysis of the planning policy context and the potential economic benefits that could be generated by developing a mixed-use employment and residential scheme on the Southern part of the Colchester Northern Gateway site. Proposals for the scheme included up to 300 residential dwellings, along with circa 500,000 sq. ft. of employment floorspace. Along with an assessment of how the proposals aligned with local planning policy, our economics team calculated the significant economic benefits generated by the scheme. This included analysis of the construction phase benefits (temporary jobs supported and contribution to economic output) and the operational benefits once the scheme is built (uplift in household spend, Council Tax revenue and permanent jobs supported by the employment floorspace).
