Buckton Fields, Northampton


Martin Grant Homes


50 hectares

Local Authority

Daventry District Council


Residential, Public Sector

Key Project Information

  • We were appointed in 2003 to promote Buckton Fields, a 50 hectare greenfield site, for residential led development within the Daventry District Local Plan but immediately adjoining Northampton Borough Council.
  • Buckton Fields continues to be identified as one of the most sustainable locations for development to address Northampton’s housing needs.

The Government set substantial targets for Northampton in respect of its housing needs as part of a strategy for sustainable growth. The site had previously been allocated in a Local Plan but there was significant local pressure to de-allocate the site in the emerging replacement plan. As a result of the work undertaken by Pegasus Group, Buckton Fields continues to be identified as one of the most sustainable locations for development to address Northampton’s housing needs.

In order to inform the strategic promotion of the site, Pegasus Group provided master planning, landscape design and a visual impact assessment alongside planning advice to advocate the sites inclusion within the Local Plan.

Buckton Fields
Buckton Fields

In 2007, and as a direct result of our expert teams’ work, the then Secretary of State confirmed that the policies of the old Local Plan relating to the allocation of Buckton Fields should be saved. The site has subsequently again been confirmed as an allocation in the adopted West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy (2014).

Our expert experience in site promotion and planning strategy created an expedient process alongside the client ambition to achieve planning permission in the context of strong local opposition and deliver new homes.

We also argued that the development of the site would help reinvigorate the local economy, as well as delivering the much needed homes in the area, including provision for affordable housing.
