Pegasus Group has worked with Bowbridge Land/ Greystoke Land in securing planning permission for 260 houses on an unallocated site at Desborough on appeal.

This was despite the LPA being able to demonstrate a 5YHLS and the housing requirement for the town having already been exceeded. The case followed an earlier appeal (by others) that was dismissed for a similar sized scheme on an adjoining site, where the Inspector found that it would lead to an unacceptable distortion of the spatial strategy. However on analysis the evidence actually showed that committed growth was not diluting the strategy of focusing growth at Kettering or resulting in disproportionate growth in the individual market towns.

Ultimately it was a site where there would be limited harm, but significant benefits and the Inspector concluded that this justified a grant of planning permission (in the “unweighted balance”) despite the conflict with the Development Plan. The appeal team was led by Giles Cannock QC. David Hutchison, Executive Director from our Cirencester office, was the planning witness, Simon Tucker, from David Tucker Associates, dealt with transportation and Paul Harris, from MHP Landscapes, was on landscape and visual impact.

For more information about this appeal, please contact David Hutchison.

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