Pegasus Group has secured detailed planning permission, on behalf of Kingsbridge Estates Ltd, for the conversion and extension of a 4-storey, former apart-hotel (C1 use) building in Slough to create 106 flats (C3 use).

Pegasus Group worked with the client and architect to engage Slough Borough Council in pre-application discussions and then submitted a planning application, which was reported to planning committee with a recommendation of approval. The proposal included conversion of the existing building, together with 2-storey roof and 4-storey rear extensions. We commissioned Kempton Carr Croft to undertake a viability assessment, which proved that the scheme would not be viable with any affordable housing.

Powell Dobson Architects prepared the planning drawings and CGI images. Pegasus Group also prepared a Transport Statement, swept path drawings and Travel Plan, speaking in favour of the application at the committee meeting, together with the client, and members duly approved the application. We then oversaw the completion and signing of a section 106 agreement, which secured infrastructure contributions and local footpath improvements. The decision notice was issued on 15th April 2019.

Slough Rear View

Kingsbridge Estates Planning and Property Development Director, Mark Hooper, said: “Pegasus Group has assisted us with a number of important developments in recent years. They have proved their worth by mapping out an effective strategy for each scheme, pro-actively engaging with council officers and ensuring that the best possible permission is secured in the least possible time. We continue to work with them on a variety of projects, because they add value with their experience and knowledge of the planning system.”

For more information about Pegasus Group and its services, please contact us.