The next parcel of land at Rugby’s iconic former radio station development at Houlton has been granted planning permission.
Consultants Pegasus Group secured reserved matters planning approval on behalf of William Davis Homes for 146 dwellings from Rugby Borough Council.
The 146 new homes will be made up of a variety of designs and will comprise a mix of 2, 3, 4 and 5 bed properties forming part of the wider Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) submitted as a joint venture between Urban and Civic and Aviva Investors in 2014.
The William Davis development will contribute to the delivery of the strategic masterplan that comprises a total of 6,200 homes, a new secondary school, 3 new primary schools, 31 hectares of employment space, a district centre, 3 local centres and 24 hectares of open space and sports pitches.
Wesley Bray, Director with Pegasus Group, said: “Pegasus Group have continued our collaboration with the William Davis Homes and provided planning and urban design services to successfully secure planning permission on another development. The proposed development will provide a new high-quality residential development that respects and enhances the existing landscape setting of the site, but also delivers benefits to the wider community through the provision of much needed market houses within the area.
“The developers and the design team drew on pre-application advice from Rugby Borough Council to ensure that the development positively addresses the site constraints and successfully proposes a mix of well detailed, high quality homes within a clear and legible network of streets and spaces. Alongside Stephen George and Partners, we developed a range of house types that enhance the quality of the development. The proposed layout will integrate well with the adjacent development parcels and the existing landscape surroundings.”
Matt Colloby from William Davis said: “We are delighted to secure these key parcels of land at Houlton from Urban & Civic through a bidding process and now very much look forward to delivering our award-winning properties to the people of Rugby.”