Pegasus Group provided expert Landscape and Visual services in a successful planning appeal that allowed a wind farm in Scotland.

The Leeds environment team contributed to securing the approval on appeal for nine large typology turbines – 180m and 200m in height – on behalf of Energiekontor UK Ltd at Fell Wind Farm at Craigmuie, Thornhill, between Blackcraig Windfarm and Loch Urr.

Fell Wind Farm

The application had previously been refused by Dumfries & Galloway Council, a decision that was reversed on appeal.

The Pegasus team provided design input and LVIA support throughout the application and appeal stages of the project, which was determined via Written Representations. They drew upon previous knowledge and experience of the local policy context and relevant landscape capacity studies relating to this part of South West Scotland and of working on other developments similar in scale.

The development proposed the erection and 35-year operation of a wind farm comprising nine turbines, formation of access tracks, borrow pits, battery storage, temporary construction compound, sub-station and associated infrastructure.

Within the Pegasus Group Environment team, highly experienced landscape architects appraise landscapes to establish the capacity to absorb a given development and assess the effects of landscape character, regularly providing landscape expert witness services at Public Inquiries.

Fell Wind FarmThe core landscape planning services offered include:

  • Landscape and townscape Visual Impact Assessments
  • Landscape capacity studies
  • Landscape character assessments
  • Landscape expert witness

For more information about this project or any of Pegasus Group’s services, please contact us.