Pegasus Group is proud to sponsor the National Planning Summit 2020 for another year. This year the event is being taken to different platform and is being held digitally on Thursday 25th June 2020.

The National Planning Summit is a conference dedicated to the planning sector to share insights and develop strategies designed to deliver more sustainable places that meet national and local needs.

Andy MeaderAndy Meader, Senior Director, will be taking part of the Debate: Is there a need to reform the planning system to one that is more favorable to greenbelt development?

Industry experts will be debating on the if there is a need to reform the planning system to one that is more favourable to greenbelt development. Experts include Peter Goatley QC from No5 Chambers debating for, whilst Paul Miner, from CPRE, will be debating against and Andy acting as the moderator.

We’re looking forward to taking part in this live digital event, for more information please visit the National Planning Summit website.

Andy Meader is a Senior Director in Planning, based in our Bracknell office. For more information about our staff or any of our services, please contact us.