A reserved matters planning application for 296 new homes in Langold has been approved by Bassetlaw District Council, North Nottinghamshire.
Having obtained the outline planning permission for the landowners, Pegasus Group have now secured the approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the development on behalf of Barratt Homes on land to the north and west of Chestnut Road.
Chris Calvert, Executive Director based in Pegasus Group’s Leeds office said: “We are delighted that planning permission for this development has been granted.
“the client and the team worked very closely with council officers, making revisions to the scheme that were significant and directly addressed policies within the Neighbourhood Plan, while also meeting the technical and environmental constraints of the site.
“Ultimately, that collaboration has resulted in a development that will bring significant benefits to the community, including:
- 15% of the properties will be designated affordable housing, including some bungalows
- public open space, including the provision of a sports pitch
- the provision of new bus stops
In a statement, the council confirmed: “The Local Planning Authority has worked positively and proactively with the applicant to seek solutions to problems arising from the application and as such planning permission/consent is granted on the basis of amendments to the originally submitted application.”
The 296 properties are set to meet the needs of wide range of residents with the two, three and four-bedroom homes in a number of different styles. Access to the development is via Doncaster Road which was approved as part of the outline planning permission in December 2018.
Pegasus Group provided public consultation, planning, highways and landscape advice. For more information about this project or any of our services, please contact us.