Pegasus Group have worked on behalf of Greystoke Land to secure planning permission at appeal for 20 entry level homes on the edge of Semington in Wiltshire (NPPF paragraph 71).
The Inspector observed that the need for such housing was not being met and that the proposals would accord with the criteria for entry level housing set out in the NPPF. Whilst the Inspector found that there would be landscape harm, he concluded that this would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the scheme. The team included Executive Director, David Hutchison of Pegasus Group’s Cirencester office (planning), Executive Director, Gail Stoten (heritage), Killian Garvey of Kings Chambers, Paul Harris (Landscape), James Stacey (Affordable Housing), Alex Heath (Ecology), Graham Eves (Drainage).
Pegasus Group are assisting Greystoke Land on a number of other Paragraph 71 schemes across the country.
For more information about this project or about any of Pegasus Group’s services, please contact us.