Plans to demolish and replace a Shrewsbury secondary school as a state of the art, low-carbon facility have been unanimously approved.
Pegasus Group secured full planning permission from Shropshire Council for the demolition of the existing Belvidere School building, rebuild and installation of new Solar PV panel system on behalf of Caledonian Modular.

The three-storey modular building will be constructed on part of the playing fields and the current school site will then be demolished and replaced with a new car park and sports pitches.
The development is part of a £1bn government project targeting 50 schools across the country.
Nigel Cussen, Senior Planning Director at Pegasus Group, said: “The submission followed informal but pro-active pre-application discussions with officers at Shropshire Council, in addition to public consultation with local residents and councillors.
“The scheme will provide a very high-quality new school, meeting excellent educational standards in a highly sustainable low carbon manner. The replacement playing fields on the site of the existing school will compensate fully for the playing-field space taken by the new building on the southern plot. Sport England have confirmed satisfaction with the proposals.”
The new school will accommodate up to 900 pupils, meaning no increase in places or the number of staff.
Pegasus Group prepared a full planning statement including heritage and economic benefits, community involvement, traffic management plan and walking and cycling assessments.
For more information about this project or any of Pegasus Group’s services, please contact us.