Outline planning permission for 62 new homes on land off Braunston Road, Oakham has been approved by Rutland County Council.
The scheme includes associated landscaping, open space and access, drainage and infrastructure.
Pegasus Group, on behalf of Rosconn Strategic Land, secured the outline permission on the recommendation of planning offices subject to a s106 agreement to deliver affordable housing and open space.
Steve Lewis-Roberts, of Pegasus Group, said: “This site is outside the existing development limits, but allocated for development in the forthcoming Local Plan.
“We were able to demonstrate that the site is a suitable location for new residential development, close to the services and facilities in Oakham town centre and that the delivery of much needed market and affordable homes will help the council maintain its 5-year housing supply.”
Outline planning was approved for the 62 new 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroomed homes, of which 19 will be affordable. Access will be via a new priority-controlled T-junction on Braunston Road.
In a strongly worded recommendation for approval, planning officers in their report told councillors: “To refuse permission, and thereby put the 5-year supply in jeopardy, will put the Council in a very difficult position whereby it will be vulnerable to applications on other unplanned greenfield sites all over the county, especially around the larger settlements, which will then be difficult to resist as Para 11(d) of the NPPF will be invoked, leading to unnecessary costs of appeals and possible costs against if refused without other good reasons.
“On this basis the Submitted Local Plan, together with housing land supply issue, as material considerations, carry sufficient weight to outweigh the current development plan policy of restraint on this site and panning permission should thereby be granted.”
For more information about this project or any of Pegasus Group’s services, please contact us.