Planning permission has been granted on appeal for the demolition of buildings and erection of 44 sheltered apartments at Stanford Hill, Lymington.
The appeal was made by Renaissance Retirement Ltd against New Forest District Council.

Consultants Pegasus Group presented expert witness during the appeal at which the Inspector said the main issues were the effects of the proposed development on the significance of Lymington Conservation Area, and the effect of the appeal scheme on the character and appearance of the area.
The inspector allowed the appeal and granted planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and the erection of 44 sheltered apartments for the elderly with associated access, mobility scooter store, refuse bin store, landscaping and 34 parking spaces at the site of The Rise and three neighbouring properties, Stanford Hill, Lymington.
Chris Cox, Associate Planner at Pegasus Group’s Bristol office, said: “This is a fantastic result off the back of a great team effort.
“It is particularly pleasing that the appeal decision acknowledged very clearly the health and social benefits of specialist housing for older people, along with the wider role this type of housing can play in addressing the housing crisis.”
In his report, the planning inspector said: “In enabling older people to ‘down-size’ to smaller accommodation, which nonetheless would meet their needs, the proposed development would free up larger housing elsewhere, including a proportion in the district, which would also have beneficial housing supply effects.
“Against this background and taking into account the Court judgements and appeal decisions provided by the parties, the appeal scheme’s delivery of specialist housing for older people would deliver benefits that weigh very significantly in its favour.”
For more information about this project, or any of Pegasus Group’s services please contact us.