Pegasus Group has pledged to pro-actively support colleagues who may be experiencing emotional distress or mental ill health. It launched its Mental Health Strategy and trained a team of Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA) to act as an initial point of contact in each of its 12 offices across the UK.
The move comes as Pegasus Group unveiled national mental health charity Mind as its charity of the year for 2019.
Pegasus Group Managing Director, Tony Bateman said: “In choosing Mind as our charity of the year, it seemed right that as a company we shine a light on the wellness, wellbeing and mental health of our own colleagues.
“The Pegasus Group Mental Health Strategy is an ambitious plan of how we intend to help protect and enhance the mental health of our employees over the next five years.
“We are committed to creating an environment in which employees feel able to talk openly about any mental health challenges they face without fear of discrimination.
“One of the most important milestones of the Strategy is the appointment of MHFAs across the business, protecting the health and welfare of our employees by creating good working conditions, helping prevent new mental health problems occurring and supporting those with existing conditions to get on in work and thrive.”
The role of the Mental Health First Aider is to be a point of contact for a colleague who is experiencing emotional distress or mental ill health. This can range from an initial conversation to helping support colleagues in getting the appropriate help and is not limited to a crisis situation.
MHFAs are not trained psychiatrists or therapists but can offer initial support through guidance and non-judgemental listening. Talking to a trusted person can help to start break down the harmful stigma that can surround mental health and raise awareness of what information is available for any issues that an individual may be facing.
Jane Gardiner, Office Manager, who is one of the newly trained MHFA in Pegasus Group’s Bristol office, said: “This is a great initiative and when I was asked to become a mental health first aider I didn’t hesitate. The training was intensive but very informative and I am confident that I am now better placed to recognise when a colleague may be struggling and have the right tools in place to help.”
Pegasus Group staff members are enjoying focusing their fundraising efforts on Mind this year. With shops and branches across the whole country, Mind provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem, campaigning to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.
For more information about Pegasus Group please contact us.