Plans for a major, high-quality tourism destination on a Lincolnshire golf course will deliver a significant boost to the region’s local economy and tourist sector, while securing the club’s long-term viability and vitality.

The hybrid planning application for full and outline planning permission for the part change of use of Boston West Golf Course, including the siting of up to 300 caravans and the development of a ‘hub’ building with activity centre, spa, shop, food and beverage facilities, management facilities, and ancillary works, has been approved by Boston Borough Council.

Pegasus Group provided a full range of services including planning, landscape, heritage, transport and economics in order to help secure planning permission on behalf of Boston West Leisure Ltd.

Pegasus Group Director, Richard Cook said: “From an economic perspective, the scheme is going to help support the growing tourism sector in Lincolnshire and it will also lead to increased visitor spend in Boston.

“This will help to generate new employment opportunities in the local area, which is very timely given the ongoing impacts of Covid-19. The pandemic also means that domestic tourism is likely to become more popular and the development of the caravan park will help Boston cater for this growing ‘staycation’ demand.”

The application site comprises the existing Boston West Golf Course, an 18-hole golf course with a 20-bay driving range, a 6-hole academy course, a 24-room hotel and clubhouse, and a restaurant, bar and reception area. In recent years, the golf course has experienced a steady decrease in its membership base.

The planning committee heard that the vision for the site is to deliver a high-quality holiday destination comprised of lodge-style caravans sensitively integrated into the setting and landscape of the existing golf course, creating a unique woodland character. The holiday destination would be supported by the remaining on-site golf facilities, as well as other facilities provided within the ‘hub’ building.

Importantly, members heard, the vision will not unacceptably impact the provision of golf facilities at the site, nor in the wider South-East Lincolnshire area; the committee heard that Sport England and England Golf have both been consulted and were supportive of the project on the basis that a reinvigorated 9-hole facility would be more viable and attractive.

In recommending the scheme for approval, planning officers said the caravan and tourism development would provide a significant contribution to the local economy and the tourist sector.

Boston West Golf Club

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