Outline planning permission for 85 new homes on fields at Deepcar, Sheffield, has been allowed on appeal.
The proposals, for development on land at the junction of Carr Road with Hollin Busk Lane, were approved by the Planning Inspectorate following a public inquiry at the end of June.
The appeal was made by developers Hallam Land Management against the decision of Sheffield City Council.
The Inspector said the main issues were:
- The effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the surrounding area
- The effect of the proposed development on the special interest of nearby heritage assets
- The planning balance and benefits of the scheme (including housing land supply)
Brian Denney and Frances Horne from Pegasus Group’s Leeds office prepared landscape and visual evidence for appeal that proved key to the Inspector’s decision.
Frances Horne of Pegasus Group said: “The landscape and environmental evidence we were able to supply was agreed with by the Inspector in this appeal, and we are delighted that this was carried forward into the planning balance.”
Hallam Land pledged a number of s106 agreements – should planning be granted – including 10 per cent affordable housing, bus stop upgrades, installation of additional traffic sensors and management of public open spaces.