Pegasus Group was joined by a variety of Planners, Housebuilders and Developers to discuss the various challenges faced, when delivering homes for different audiences at the roundtable in March. The event aimed to look at the developing picture of residential property across Yorkshire and to understand the possible future for the market with the shifts in demands from house buyers.
Our representatives were Nigel Cussen, Senior Director and Matthew Good, Director, from our Leeds office, who both provided valuable insight into how the wider market has changed in the past year.
Nigel said “Over the last 12 months, everyone has been using their homes very differently, and on the whole, people have been increasingly successful at working from home. That has changed the context of the housing market.”
Matthew commented “A third of all working age people are exclusively working from home at the moment, and that’s quite telling. Even when restrictions relaxed last summer, that figure only moved to around a quarter, which means that we might not see a complete return to work in the way that we were in 2019”.
To read the full article, follow the link to Insider’s latest magazine.
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