We’re delighted to be partners with Cheshire and Warrington at MIPIM 2020 during an exciting time in the region. They continue to prepare for their Local Industrial Strategy and work towards priorities that look to grow their economy.

Cheshire and Warrington’s theme for 2020 will focus on people, place and performance and how these aspects can drive growth at a UK regional and national level. Throughout the week Cheshire and Warrington will discuss the importance of growing a balanced economy that attracts and retains talented people, the role of place in creating the right conditions. They will be exploring topics like:

  • how communities share the culture,
  • quality of place,
  • creating an authentic sense of identity and much more!

Senior Director Neil Culkin and Directors Phil Robinson and Richard Cook from our Liverpool and Manchester offices will be present at networking events throughout the Cheshire and Warrington programme of events.

Richard Cook - Pegasus Group Director (Economics)Richard Cook said: “This will be my second visit to MIPIM and I’m looking forward to seeing how areas such as Cheshire and Warrington are planning for growth. Developments are increasingly having to show the economic and social benefits they will deliver and MIPIM provides a great opportunity to discuss this and look at how schemes promote the benefits they bring to an area.

“Pegasus Group is active across large parts of Cheshire and Warrington. Being a member of the partnership gives us a great opportunity to catch up with existing clients and meet new contacts, as well as hearing all about upcoming developments and strategic objectives.”

Please contact us if you would like to arrange an informal meeting with our attendees at MIPIM 2020.