Pegasus Group on behalf of client CALA Homes has secured outline planning permission on appeal for 66 new homes at Ickford in Aylesbury Vale.

The appeal against Aylesbury Vale District Council was for land at and to the rear of 42 Worminghall Road, Ickford.

The development proposed is for the demolition of an existing dwelling and outbuildings to allow for a residential development comprising up to 66 dwellings with associated parking, access, internal roads, public open space, landscaping, drainage and other associated infrastructure.

Of the 66 new homes, 30% will be provided as affordable, with 75% of these affordable units available for rent

David Hutchison, Executive Director at Pegasus Group’s Cirencester office, said: “This is a very pleasing result for all concerned.

On the morning that the inquiry opened, the Local Planning Authority changed its position and agreed that the tilted balance was engaged and large parts of its evidence was either conceded or withdrawn.  It was not therefore necessary to rehearse the housing land supply evidence as a further means of engaging the tilted balance.

The Council’s heritage objections were roundly rejected and the Inspector concluded that there would be no harm in this regard. While there would be moderate landscape harm, the Inspector agreed that even if the Council’s objections were taken to the extreme, the harm would still not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the considerable benefits including meeting the affordable housing shortfalls identified in the emerging Neighbourhood Plan.”

The appeal team was led by Charles Banner QC of Landmark Chambers and included Michael Dawson of CgMs/RPS who dealt with Heritage and from Pegasus Group, Andy Cook who dealt with Landscape and Visual Impact, Neil Tiley who dealt with housing land supply and David Hutchison who dealt with Planning Policy.

To find out more about this project and Pegasus Group services, please contact us.