Pegasus Group has assisted in securing permission on appeal to develop a golf course and club house on Green Belt land at London Road in Hertford.
The development proposed is for change of use from agricultural land to a golf course with the erection of golf club house with bar, restaurant, changing and pro shop facilities, upgraded practice facility including covered practice bays and enhanced landscaping. The scheme also includes the incorporation of water harvesting for sustainable irrigation and an improved drainage system through the importation of recovered soils.
The application was initially refused by East Hertfordshire District Council partly due to the detriment to the openness and visual amenity of the Green Belt associated with soil importation and land level changes.
The Environment team from Pegasus Group’s Leeds office, acting on behalf of Belview Golf Ltd, presented evidence to the Public Inquiry, on the physical and spatial aspects of Green Belt openness and that the openness would be preserved and that the scheme would not be inappropriate development within the Green Belt.
Senior Director for Pegasus Group, Brian Denney, said: “We were pleased to have assisted on this appeal in which the Inspector agreed that the development of a golf course in this location would not be inappropriate in the Green Belt.”
“My colleague Frances Horne and I presented a strong landscape case working alongside Giles Cannock QC of Kings Chambers, instructed by Peter Nesbit of Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP.”
For more information about Pegasus Group and its services, please contact us.