Overstone Green Illustrative MasterplanA planning application for the development of 1600 new homes and almost 20 acres of commercial land to the north east of Northampton has been submitted to Daventry District Council.

Pegasus Group, on behalf of Davidsons Developments Ltd and L&Q Estates, have put together the outline plans that if approved will secure and deliver the remaining balance of the Northampton South Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE), an allocation in the adopted West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy.

The development proposals for the site include:

  • 1,600 dwellings
  • up to 5.95ha of mixed-use commercial land, including a local centre, over 55s living/residential care home, community hub and
    light industry/office accommodation
  • a 2-form entry primary school
  • public open space, including allotments and children’s play space(s)
  • structural landscape planting
  • associated infrastructure including drainage features and vehicular access

Alan Siviter, from Pegasus Group’s East Midlands office, said: “The masterplan has been designed to create a sustainable development that generates its own distinct identity, combining appropriate facilities and open spaces with a mix of housing types and sizes for a future community to thrive.

“The development proposals will provide cohesive linkages to the first phase of the urban extension currently under construction at Overstone Leys and allowing for further dualling of the A43 to form an important gateway into Northampton.

“The masterplan seeks to maintain and build upon the existing landscape structure, pursuing enhancements to the Local Wildlife Site at Cowpasture Spinney, the re-use of the existing farm buildings on site for a community hub and the retention of existing trees and hedgerows.

“Using the existing features as inspiration, the masterplan creates an extensive network of linear green links, creating diverse public open spaces that encourage walking and cycling to the planned community facilities whilst enhancing the public engagement with present site features.”

Pegasus Group provided Planning, Design, Economics, Environmental and Heritage services.

A decision is expected on the scheme by the summer.